RESPECT FOR ALL LIVING THINGS: Fundamental to the culture at Acorn is a deep respect for the balance of nature and the important place each living thing has in the web of life.
NATURE NAMES: Acorn children are given “nature names” from animals, trees and plants specific to Acorn land. This experience gives children a sense of connection to the living beings that share the woods and fields with us. Associating both themselves and their friends with local animals, trees and plants helps children develop a strong bond to the natural world.
OBSERVATION SKILLS (Owl Eyes/Rabbit Ears/Fox Nose): The woods are an ever changing, interesting place. Throughout our time outdoors, children are encouraged to use their senses to gather information, make connections and wonder about what surrounds them.
SCATS & TRACKS: We are always on the lookout for evidence of animal life in our forest. Children learn experientially and through the use of field guides how to read the stories of the animals in our forest.
WILD EDIBLES & OTHER USEFUL PLANTS: As we move across the landscape, children learn which plants can be useful to humans. Children help teachers gather ingredients for a forest tea or just for a nibble. (The rule is children can only eat things that a teacher directly gives them to eat.) We also harvest wild plants that can be used for natural dyes or other art projects.
FIRE BUILDING: We learn the elements that bring a fire to life (wood, air, spark & song.) Children help to gather materials (wispies, finger sticks, arm sticks) and help construct the “house” for the fire to live in.
BUILDING WITH NATURAL MATERIALS: Children use the resources they find around them (fallen sticks, stones, leaves, moss, etc.) to enhance and inspire their play.
SENSE OF PLACE: Through the experience of being outdoors daily, though the seasons and all sorts of weather, children cultivate a strong sense of belonging within nature. Children help establish and name landmarks, navigate over over natural terrain, and develop a mental map of the Acorn land.